Business interruption
As a supplement to the property insurance agreement, under which the company is insured against direct losses connected with the loss or damage to property, coverage may be extended with damage consisting in Business Interruption. Business interruption connected with substantial losses in property causes, in the majority of cases, massive difficulties in the company’s return to the standing from the period before the damage (for instance by the loss of Customers during the property resuscitation period). Business Interruption Insurance covers the loss of gross insurance profit within the indemnity period, which is calculated by the Insured, usually with the assistance of the Broker, and it may be supplemented with numerous elements, in agreement with the Insurers and our Customers.
The role of Unity Broker in cooperation with Partners on the arrangement of coverage in the scope of Property Damage or Business Interruption consists mainly in consulting for the customer and negotiations with Insurers prior to concluding the Agreement, comparing the Insurers’ responses to inquiries submitted, preparing reliable and professional recommendation and subsequent management of the agreement and on-going consulting for Partners.