Unity Group

We are a group of specialized entities in the field of insurance and finance.

Based on many years of experience and specialist knowledge, we create unique insurance and financial programmes for Polish and international corporations. A wide range of experts and international scope of business activity are the assets highly valued by our customers.

The Unity Brokerage Group consists of the following entities:

Specialist companies:
Unity Broker – specialization: Assets and Guarantees
Unity Trade Broker – specialization: Receivables, Debt Collection and Reports
Unity Finance – specialization: Finance and Factoring

Field branches:
Unity Trade Credit Broker Północ – development of sales of the Group’s products in Northern Poland
Unity Trade Credit Broker Południe – development of sales of the Group’s products in Southern Poland
Unity Trade Credit Broker Wschód – development of sales of the Group’s products in Eastern Poland

satisfied customers

insured turnover

receivables financed

guarantees issued


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